Hill Country Institute Live: Exploring Christ and Culture

Pastor Edwin Pope and Pete Inman Interviewed on Hill Country Institute Live

Hill Country Institute

Pastor Edwin Pope and Pete Inman, both business leaders in the Austin Metro area as well as leaders in various Christian ministries in Round Rock and Austin, talk with Larry about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's "I Have a Dream Speech" and Dream Together 2030, the event on August 28 at the State Capitol which kicks off the Seven-Year Initiative to develop Dr. King’s vision of the Beloved Community in Austin.

Please join us on the steps on the south side of the Texas State Capitol on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 9AM as we both celebrate and remember this magnificent speech and begin the Dream Together 2030 Initiative – www.dreamtogether2030.com We will have a reading of Dr. King’s speech by four students - grade school through college - as well as comments by Archbishop Sterling Lands, State Senator Royce West, Mayor Kirk Watson, and other leaders. The Huston-Tillotson Marching Band will then lead us to the Waterloo Greenway where we will have speakers and live music.

To learn more about Dream Together 2030, click here.

To learn more about Hill Country Institute, click here.